Parceria com as famílias
Partnering with families is vital to ensuring the success of our students and schools. We recognize that we cannot fulfill our mission of preparing students to enter, succeed in, and graduate from college without the support of our families. Family events are held at each campus at least once every two months. Flyers and messages inviting families to upcoming meetings and events are sent home with students.
In addition to campus events, North Star Academy is committed to maintaining frequent communication with our families by offering the following: back-to-school nights, campus newsletters, postcards, family conferences, monthly progress reports, end-of-quarter report cards, and more.
Para um visão geral de nossas Políticas e Programas de Envolvimento dos Pais, clique aqui. Academia Estrela do Norte A Política de Envolvimento dos Pais do Título I e o Compacto entre Escola e Pais podem ser encontrados aqui.