Vailsburg Middle School

24 Hazelwood Avenue, Second Floor
Newark, NJ 07106

T: (973) 286-6940
F: (973) 286-6941

Welcome to Vailsburg Middle School

Vailsburg Middle School is located in the Newark neighborhood of Vailsburg. Students who attend Primaria Vailsburg for grades K to 4, have the opportunity to continue on to our middle school for grades 5 to 8, and a North Star Academy Washington Park high school for grades 9 to 12.

14 Years

Vailsburg MS opened in August 2010 by two former Clinton Hill MS teachers, and builds on the successes of Downtown and Clinton Hill middle schools.

Grades 5-8

We are a middle school serving students in grades 5 to 8, and share a building with Vailsburg ES providing families with a full K-8 experience.


Our students wear uniforms to foster a focus on learning and a stronger sense of community.

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Academics and Culture

Curriculum and Development

North Star Academy has developed over one hundred interim assessments directly aligned with New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards and North Star curricula. These assessments form the backbone of the data-driven instructional model that has greatly enhanced student achievement.

Eliminating the Achievement Gap

North Star students have succeeded in eliminating the achievement gap, routinely outperforming their more affluent, suburban district peers on New Jersey state assessments.

Vea nuestros resultados
Emphasis on College

North Star begins educating students about the importance of college from day one and continues to do so through college readiness activities found in middle and high school. The goal is for freshman year to become a natural extension of graduating from high school.

Colaboración con las familias

La colaboración con las familias es vital para garantizar el éxito de nuestros alumnos y escuelas. Reconocemos que no podemos cumplir nuestra misión de preparar a los estudiantes para entrar, tener éxito y graduarse de la universidad sin el apoyo de nuestras familias. Los eventos familiares se celebran en cada campus al menos una vez cada dos meses. Se envían a casa con los alumnos folletos y mensajes invitando a las familias a las próximas reuniones y eventos.

In addition to campus events, North Star Academy is committed to maintaining frequent communication with our families by offering the following: back-to-school nights, campus newsletters, postcards, family conferences, monthly progress reports, end-of-quarter report cards, and more.

For an overview of our Parent Involvement Policies and Programs, please click here. North Star Academy’s Title I Parent Involvement Policy and School-Parent Compact can be found here.

Our School Leaders


Carolyn Zippilli

Director of Operations

Amanda Meehan

Dean of Students

Danielle Casey

Principal Fellow

Equel Easterling

Cómo inscribirse

Ready to enroll your child? Click below to learn more about how to enroll.

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